
頸部  ▶肩関節  ▶腰部  ▶  ▶振動  ▶スポーツ  
体幹部スタビリティ  ▶脳血管疾患後遺症  ▶呼吸  ▶高齢者


5. Wang JS. An analysis on muscle tone and stiffness of posterior cervical region during sling and plinth on static prone position. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2017;29:1841-3

30. Yu SH, Park SD. The effects of a neck musculoskeletal intervention on neck pain levels and depression in post-traumatic stress disorder patients. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(6):1975-8

32. Park SD, Kim SY. Clinical feasibility of cervical exercise to improve neck pain, body function, and psychosocial factors in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(5):1369-72

33. Yun S, Kim YL, Lee SM. The effect of neurac training in patients with chronic neck pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(5):1303-7


12. Turgut E, Pedersen Ø, Duzgun I, Baltaci G. Three-dimensional scapular kinematics during open and closed kinetic chain movements in asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects. Journal of Biomechanics 2016;49:2770-7

31. Kim SY, Kang MH, Lee DK, Oh JS. Effects of the Neurac® technique in patients with acute-phase subacromial impingement syndrome. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(5):1407-9


1.Gwon AJ, Kim SY, Oh DW. Effects of integrating Neurac vibration into a side-lying bridge exercise on a sling in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1513616 (Epub ahead of print)

4. Ko KJ, Ha GC, Yook YS, Kang SJ. Effects of 12-week lumbar stabilization exercise and sling exercise on lumbosacral region angle, lumbar muscle strength, and pain scale of patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2018;30:18-22

11. Lee SB, Cho WJ. The effect of sling exercise on sagittal lumbosacral angle and intervertebral disc area of chronic low back pain patients. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2016;12(5):471- 5

14. Roh HS, Cho WJ, Ryu WJ, Park SJ, An SC. The change of pain and lumbosacral sagittal alignment after sling exercise therapy for patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(10):2789-92

17. Park H, Jeong T, Lee J. Effects of Sling Exercise on Flexibility, Balance Ability, Body Form, and Pain in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. Rehabilitation Nursing 2016;0:1-9

23. Oh BH, Kim HH, Kim CY, Nam CW. Comparison of physical function according to the lumbar movement method of stabilizing a patient with chronic low back pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(12):3655-8

25. Kim HJ, Seong HY. Effects of complex manual therapy on PTSD, pain, function, and balance of male torture survivors with chronic low back pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(9):2763-6

26. You YL, Su TK, Liaw LJ, Wu WL, Chu IH, Guo LY. The effect of six weeks of sling exercise training on trunk muscular strength and endurance for clients with low back pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(8):2591-6

35. Lee S wk, Kim SY. Effects of hip exercises for chronic low-back pain patients with lumbar instability. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(2):345-8

21. Lee M, Han G. The effect of peculiar complex core balance training on isokinetic muscle functions of the knee and lumbus. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(4):1294-7

Chang WD, Huang WS, Lai PT. Muscle Activation of Vastus Medialis Oblique and Vastus Lateralis in Sling-Based Exercises in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Cross-Over Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015, Article ID 740315, 8 pages


1.Gwon AJ, Kim SY, Oh DW. Effects of integrating Neurac vibration into a side-lying bridge exercise on a sling in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1513616 (Epub ahead of print)


2.Lee JH, Kim TH, Lim KB. Effects of eccentric control exercise for wrist extensor and shoulder stabilization exercise on the pain and functions of tennis elbow. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2018;30:590-4

9. Linek P, Saulicz E, Myśliwiec A, Wójtowicz M, Wolny T. The Effect of Specific Sling Exercises on the Functional Movement Screen Score in Adolescent Volleyball Players: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Human Kinetics 2016;54:83-90


3.Lee SH, Lee SG, Choi BR. Effect of trunk stabilization exercises on trunk muscle activation using different respiratory conditions. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2018;30:567-9

8. Ko S, Kim Y, Lee S. The Effects of Trunk Stabilization Exercises using a Sling on Motor Development and Balance in Infant with Development Disability. Healthcare and Nursing – Advanced Science and Technology Letters 2016;132:161-6

10. Kim JJ. An analysis on muscle tone and stiffness during sling exercise on static prone position. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(12):3440-3

15. Choi K, Bak J, Cho M, Chung Y. The effects of performing a one-legged bridge with hip abduction and use of a sling on trunk and lower extremity muscle activation in healthy adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(10):2625-8

16. Kim MK, Cha HG, Shin YJ. Effects of lumbopelvic sling and abdominal drawing-in exercises on lung capacity in healthy adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(8):2181-3

22. Park MH, Yu JH, Hong JH, Kim JS, Jung SW, Lee DY. Effect of core muscle thickness and static or dynamic balance on prone bridge exercise with sling by shoulder joint angle in healthy adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(3):945-50

19. Lee J, Jeong K, Lee H, Shin J, Choi J, Kang S, Lee BH. Comparison of three different surface plank exercises on core muscle activity. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science 2016;5(1):29-33

34. Yoon SD, Sung DH, Park GD. The effect of active core exercise on fitness and foot pressure in Taekwondo club students. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(2):509-11

27. Lükens J, Boström KJ, Puta C, Schulte TL, Wagner H. Using ultrasound to assess the thickness of the transversus abdominis in a sling exercise. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2015;16:203

29. Lee D, Park J, Lee S. Effects of bridge exercise on trunk core muscle activity with respect to sling height and hip joint abduction and adduction. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(6):1997-9


6. Lee JY, Kim SY, Yu JS, Kim DG, Kang EK. Effects of sling exercise on postural sway in post-stroke patients. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2017;29:1368-71

13. Chen L, Chen J, Peng Q, Chen J, Zou Y, Liu G. Effect of Sling Exercise Training on Balance in Patients with Stroke: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE 2016;11(10):e0163351, 13 pages


7. Ishizuka T, Nishida N, Homma Y, Hirayama T, Ishida Y, Kakizak Fi, Konishi M. Instantaneous changes in respiratory function induced by passive pelvic suspension in the supine position in relation to increased diaphragm excursion. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2017;29:432-7

28. Yi SJ, Kim JS. The effects of respiratory muscle strengthening exercise using a sling on the amount of respiration. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(7):2121-4


18. Sakamoto R, Miura, Y. The effect of exercise intervention on frail elderly in need of care: halfday program in a senior day-care service facility specializing in functional training. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(7):1957-63

36. Wada Y, Sakuraba K, Kubota A. Effect of the long-term care prevention project on the motor functions and daily life activities of the elderly. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(1):199-203

Sling exercise therapy
20. Nasb M, Li Z. Sling Suspension Therapy Utilization in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 2016;4:99-116